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Here It Is Anyway!

Redeemed By Blood

First, a devotional meditation:

We are going to be reminded of the precious and once for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our redemption:

"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God."

1st Peter 1.18-21.

Reflecting on the profound truth that our salvation was not bought with perishable wealth or through our own efforts, but with something far more valuable—the pure and precious blood of Jesus Christ, we poignantly remind ourselves that this sacrifice was planned before ever the world began. This in itself alone proclaims God's infinite love and mercy towards us.

Christ's sacrifice was flawless and unblemished, fulfilling the ancient prophecy of the spotless Lamb whose blood would redeem the world from sin. Through Christ's resurrection, our faith and hope are anchored in God, who triumphed over death and calls us to eternal life.

Today, let us cherish this truth afresh and live happily and fruitfully in the light of God's grace. May we remember the incalculable price of our redemption and respond with hearts full of gratitude and lives surrendered to His will.

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the precious gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Help us to grasp the height and depth and length and breadth of His sacrifice and to live each day with faith and hope in You. May our lives reflect Your glory and may we never forget the price paid for our redemption.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Now, we will look at these verses more broadly. 

Peter speaks of the high and priceless nature of our redemption through Christ. He begins by starkly contrasting the weak and futile ways in which people have by either family or religious tradition self-righteously sought for their own significance or even salvation. It always comes down to one thing. Money. Through material possessions like silver and gold, or through empty customs inherited from ancestors, people think that they will be safe, but these things cannot purchase eternal life or any freedom from sin. 

Instead, unflinchingly, Peter proclaims that the true cost and means of our redemption is the precious blood of Jesus Christ, whom he compares to a sacrificial lamb without any flaw or imperfection. This imagery takes us straight back to the Old Testament sacrificial system, where a perfect lamb was offered to atone for sin. At Calvary, Jesus too, was made the spotless Lamb whose sacrifice was ordained by God before the creation of the world.

Although Jesus came into the world in these last days for us as God's plan for our salvation, His role was predestined and preordained.

Through Christ, we have faith in God, who raised Jesus from the dead and exalted Him in glory. His glorious resurrection affirmed His victory over sin and death and serves as the foundation for our faith and hope in all God's promises. The perfect, unblemished sacrifice of Jesus Christ, planned by God since before time began. Our faith and hope are secured through Christ's resurrection, guiding us to live in grateful obedience to God, who offers us eternal life through His Only Begotten Son.

Michael Keetch
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